Just around the corner, my daughter played in the sand under Sand Dune Arch. I was struck by the patterns in the sandstone walls nearby, and the contrast of the smooth and sharp edges. Over millions of years, through wind and weather, these tall walls and large boulders had turned to the soft sand beneath our feet. Both forms bringing joy and wonder.
Through time, it’s easy to lose sight of where we are and the joy we can bring to the world when we get fixated on what we used to be or what we wished we were. I used to be less tired and have more energy. Being a mom and a wife and a daughter and a friend takes work. They all add layers to my life, but sometimes leave me nostalgic for simpler times when sleep came easier and worries were fewer. Yet, despite the challenges and fatigue that can come with juggling so much, there's a deep satisfaction in being present for those I love and in the shared experiences that make life meaningful.
As we navigate the transitions from one phase of life to the next, it's comforting to realize that the ability to bring joy and wonder to the world remains within our grasp. It's not about having it all figured out or reaching some ideal state of perfection; it's about finding beauty and connection in the messy, everyday moments. Whether we're navigating the carefree days of youth or embracing the wisdom of age, there's always an opportunity to make a positive impact, to spread kindness, and to leave a bit of beauty wherever we go.